Wall clock with all over clock face Bel Air
Article number: 199606
Week 52 | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Reserved | Future | Incoming |
2676 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2676 | - |
Export carton | 10 |
Inner box | 5 |
Package | Karton |
Country of Origin | CHINA |
Customs number | 91052100000 |
Page | E084 |
Print size | 5 x 4 cm |
Size | 27,3 x 3,5 x 32 cm |
Battery incl. | No |
Battery needed | 1 x UM3 |
Weight | 0.810 kg |
Declaration of conformity | Download |
Wall clock with all over clock face Bel AirArticle number: 199606
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